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    Epigallocatechin Gallate (EGCG) for Skin and Health

    You may have seen EGCG (epigallocatechin gallate) or 绿茶提取物 on the ingredient labels of many of your favorite products, from skincare to teas. If you’re unfamiliar with the term but still enjoy drinking green tea, you may be reaping the benefits of ECCG without knowing it.

    The plant-based compound has many benefits for skin and health. This is the reason that the naturally-occurring compound extract is also available in the form of dietary supplement. The powerhouse ingredient can improve your skin while also improving your overall health in various ways.

    Various institutes across the world are conducting research to study the therapeutic properties of ECCG. Read on to find out what the findings say and why you should add the unique compound to your routine.


    Credited for its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, EGCG is more commonly known as 绿茶提取物. Formally known as epigallocatechin gallate, it falls under the category of catechin. Catechin is a plant-based compound that belongs to the larger group of plant compounds, 叫做茶多酚.

    The antioxidant properties of catechins can protect the body against free radicals that may cause cellular damage. 另外, catechins also have anti-inflammatory properties and the ability to fight against conditions like heart diseases, 某些类型的癌症, 甚至还有糖尿病. 另一方面, the therapeutic properties of EGCG also treat various skin issues that are a result of radical damage.

    Although it is most commonly known for being an active ingredient in green tea, EGCG is also a naturally-occurring ingredient in other foods, 包括:

    • White, black, and oolong teas
    • Fruits such as pears, avocados, peaches, apples, kiwis, strawberries, blackberries, and cherries
    • Nuts such as pecans, hazelnuts, and pistachios


    Although there is currently a lack of research, 各种各样的人类, 动物, and test-tube studies reveal the health benefits that ECG can offer. 这些包括:


    Studies reveal that a higher intake of green tea is closely related to a lower risk of brain decline caused by aging. In fact, EGCG can sharpen your brain by improving your neurological cell function. This also protects it from a variety of degenerative brain diseases.


    According to a 2012 study, a daily dosage of 绿茶提取物 or EGCG showed reduced blood pressure, 低密度脂蛋白胆固醇, 甚至是炎症. This suggests that using EGCG in your daily routine can reduce risk factors for heart disease. Whether you are at risk of heart disease or not, consuming EGCG can significantly improve your heart condition.


    In many cases, cellular damage caused by free radicals can also lead to the development of diseases. Increased production of free radicals causes oxidative damage, which in turn leads to inflammation. The antioxidant properties of EGCG can protect the cells from oxidative damage, suppressing inflammation.


    In addition to improving overall health, EGCG also has numerous perks for the skin. This is true for both consuming EGCG and using it topically. A few benefits of EGCG for the skin include:

    Reduces and Combats Breakouts

    Breakouts is often the result of the overproduction of sebum from the oil glands. However, EGCG can lower your lipid levels while also being anti-androgenic. This means that using EGCG can reduce the production of sebum, slowing down or completely stopping the development of acne.


    绿茶提取物 or EGCG is a popular ingredient in many anti-aging skincare products. This is because the compound improves skin elasticity, promoting youthful and healthy-looking skin. It also slows down the process of skin aging by reducing wrinkles, improving moisture retention, and smoothening skin texture.






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